Guidelines for Poster Presentations


Posters will be up at the venue during the whole Congress.

Please bring your poster to the venue by yourself. We don't have the possibility to print the poster out in the venue.

You will be able to mount your poster starting from April 18, the area will be always open. Please mount the poster as soon as possible after arrival. 

Poster measurements are in size A0 (millimetres: 841 (horizontal) x 1188 (vertical)).

Posters will be displayed vertically in portrait format! Please do not make posters in the landscape.

Posters will be mounted using double-sided removable adhesive tape or blu-tack, provided by the organizer. Please do not print your poster on textile, vinyl or too heavy paper.

Poster cases can be stored if the case is properly labelled. You can hand the poster case to the staff at the registration desk and then ask for it there when you would like to get it back.